Jeremy Fitzgerald

Jeremy S. Fitzgerald
Jeremy Fitzgerlad


Doubles: Liam Hemsworth, Trevor Donovan, Will Ferrell, Armie Hammer, Joel McHale, Alexander Skarsgård. Awards & Achievements: — Screen Actors Guild Award Outstanding Performance for The Motion Picture "Traffic" (2000) — Screen Actors Guild Award Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture "Star Trek" (2009) — Taurus World Stunt Award (2011; Best High Work) — Taurus World Stunt Award (2011; Best Specialty Stunt)
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Star TrekIowa Cop2009-05-06
Veronica Mars'Roid Tale2014-03-13
Employee of the MonthStrip Club Guy2004-01-17
The Time MachineHunter Morlock2002-03-04
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Poster of Jeremy Fitzgerald