Six friends, who hanged out together during their high school days, gather again after 5 years for a friend's wedding. The six friends are: Kazuki Yoshio, Tetsuya Akashi, Taku Sogawa, Taisei Tajima, Yusaku Mizushima and Kinichi Fujita. At the wedding, the friends perform an embarrassing dance routine for the bride and groom. The friends reminisce about their high school days and they believe their friendships will last forever, but...
Ryo Narita | Kazuki Yoshio |
Kengo Kora | Kinichi Fujita |
Ryuya Wakaba | Tetsuya Akashi |
Kenta Hamano | Taku Sogawa |
Kisetsu Fujiwara | Taisei Tajima |
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