This documentary, made over a period of eight years, tells the remarkable story of an extremely influential rock'n'roll band. Starting from their mid-60's garage band roots (sounding amazingly like the Sonics), the Motor City 5 deveoped into an icon for a brand of loud, crushing music reflecting their industrial roots. Even if you don't care for their music (and you're bound to like even a few of their songs), their story is fascinating. It combines 60's protest, youthful braggadocio, and a style of music that would help carry one to the likes of Iggy and the Stooges (not to mention certain aspects of punk rock). This film is clearly a labor of love, combining extraordinarily rare live shows, still shots, a nearly-continuous backdrop of MC5 tunes, penetrating interviews with the remaining members and their spouses, and even FBI surveillance shots. It's the ultimate testimonial to a band that only gains in stature as time goes on.
Rob Tyner | Himself |
Wayne Kramer | Himself |
Fred 'Sonic' Smith | Himself |
Michael Davis | Himself |
Dennis Thompson | Himself |
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concertrock 'n' rollrevolutioncontroversyinterviewpunk rocklivecounter-culturedrugshard rockdetroit, michiganinfluentialproto-punkwhite panthers